UAE-based Fayafi Investment Holding blazes trail with registration on SIX Swiss Stock Exchange and listing on Vienna Stock Exchange

Takesrareisotope copperreservestoqualifiedandinstitutionalinvestors

UAE-based investment firm Fayafi Investment Holding (ISIN: CH1388143591) (Bloomberg: SPV Fayafi Investment)has leveraged its science and innovation-backed investmentfocustobecomethefirstUAE-basedcompanytoberegisteredontheSIX Swiss Exchange and listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange.

Thefirm,operatingoutoftheDubaiInternationalFinancialCentre(DIFC), alsobecomes the first Emirati family-owned company in DIFC to win registration on the SIX Swiss Stock Exchange.

ThefirmstructuresSpecial PurposeVehicles(SPVs) toexploreinvestmentopportunities in science and technology advancement. Its flagship SPV is underpinned by isotope copper, a rare commodity that is more valuable per gram than gold and has crucial applications across the fields of medicine, aerospace and renewable energy.

“FayafiInvestmentHoldingispleased tobecomethefirstUAE-basedcompanytoachieve the dual milestones of registering on the SIX Swiss Exchange and listing on the Vienna Stock Exchange. Our core belief is that science, technology and innovation are key to

solving the world's most pressing challenges and creating a better, more sustainable future for all. This guides our investment thesis, where we invest in commodities, ideas andbusinessesthatcanenable genuineinnovationandcreateimpact,” saidDr. PATRICK PILATI, Executive President of Fayafi Investment Holding.

TheFayafi InvestmentHoldingSPVlistingontheVienna StockExchangemakes itthe first time ever for isotope copper to be listed as a metal commodity on global stock exchanges.

FayafiInvestmentHoldinghaswonaninitial valuationofUSD3.6billion bylisting240 kilograms from its three-ton isotope copper reserves. The remaining reserves are slated for listing by the end of 2025, leading to valuations as high as USD 45 billion.

“Fayafi Investment Holding is proud to be an Emirati family-owned business that is makingitsmark ininternationalmarkets. Wehaveforthefirsttimeeverbrought rare isotope copper to global metalcommodity markets.Our achievement spotlightsDubai and the UnitedArab Emirates as hubs of innovation that catalyze homegrown success stories with global impact,” said MOHAMMED HUSSAIN AL-GHFELI, Chairman of Fayafi Investment Holding.

Fayafi InvestmentHolding's remit is todeliver sustainable growth and exceptional returnsforitsinvestors,whilealsoempoweringindustriesandcatalyzingsolutions towards a better world for generations to come.



IssueroftheNote:AISPCC Limited

PayingAgent: EuropeanDepositaryBank SA, 3RueGabrielLippmann, 5365 Munsbach Schuttrange, Luxembourg

Bloomberg:SPVFayafi Investment Registered: SIX Swiss Exchange Listed: Vienna Stock Exchange LaunchDate: February 14th, 2025

Opening Valuation: $3.6 Billion PricePerSecuritiesCertificate:$100

TotalSecurities Certificates:36million

Custodian/Insure:Ferrari Logistics,DMCC,Dubai, UAE

Valuator&AssetAuditor: INSTITUTFÜRSELTENE ERDENUNDMETALLE AG, Lucern, Switzerland

Contact:FAYAFI Investment Holdingmedia@fayafi.chDIFC, Dubai, UAE

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