BioSqueeze Unveils New Products for Restoring Cement Integrity

Three formulations for treating cement defects of various sizes are at the ready on all BioSqueeze units for on-the-fly formulation to efficiently address any situation that arises. All three products have been proven effective in the field with a 100% success rate to date.

BioSqueeze Inc., the world leader in commercial biomineralization, announced today the introduction of three new products for restoring barrier integrity in oil and gas wells. The addition of these products represents a huge leap forward for biomineralization technology that figures to have an immediate impact on the effectiveness of zonal isolation interventions.

MacroSeal™ – 4x More Successful than CementIn applications where cement bond is poor but present remedial cementing can be ineffective as placement may be impossible, cement can be gas cut before it sets, and the frac gradient is often exceeded thus exasperating existing integrity issues by creating additional leakage pathways.

MacroSeal™ is a low-viscosity fluid system that rapidly crystalizes to form an impermeable, limestone barrier stronger than existing cement. MacroSeal™ can be injected into poorly cemented intervals, is impervious to gas cut, and is placed with precision pumping systems that ensure the frac gradient is not exceeded making it a more effective solution for restoring cement integrity.


MicroSeal™ – 3x More Successful than ResinsIn applications where leakage pathways are too tight for remedial cementing alternative sealants like resins and micro-fine cements can be ineffective due to their inability to access all leakage pathways and shrinkage that occurs during setup allowing gas to circumvent the new barrier, with the status quo being repeated remediations and subsequent drillout.

MicroSeal™ is a low-viscosity fluid system that self-diverts into leakage pathways to repair existing barriers. MicroSeal™ can be injected into channels, micro-annuli, and pinholes where it forms a gas-tight seal while leaving the wellbore full drift, thus reducing risk and making it the most effective and economic solution on the market.


NanoSeal™ – The Only Solution for Sealing Sub-Micron LeaksIn applications where cement bond is good and injection cannot be established but small leaks exist/persist options are limited to extensive remediations to establish a new barrier entirely or intrusive treatments that mechanically alter existing cement. Both fail to address the root cause while incurring significant costs and risks.

NanoSeal™ is a low-viscosity fluid system composed of sub-micron particles that penetrates deep into the smallest aperture gaps to eliminate fluid/gas migration. NanoSeal™ is safe for application in environmentally sensitive applications, capable of penetrating 1,000s of ft, and strengthens the materials its injected into making it the only solution for healing defects in otherwise competent cement.


ABOUT BIOSQUEEZE INC.BioSqueeze's novel biomineralization technology provides the most effective solution for eliminating methane leaks in oil and gas wells, conserving vital time and resources. BioSqueeze is the world leader in biomineralization, harnessing the natural process by which organisms form new minerals to solve issues for our partners in the oil and gas industry and beyond. Biomineralization is effective, environmentally friendly, and has a host of applications including leak sealing, well integrity, enhanced oil recovery, soil stabilization, infrastructure repair, dust control, and toxic waste remediation.

For more information, visit www.biosqueeze.comor contact

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