#DemandMoreInternetChoice Petition Surpasses 200,000 Signatures

Federal Government's Move to Limit Competition Sparks Unprecedented Public Outcry

Canadians are sending an unmistakable message: they demand the right to choose their Internet service provider. TELUS launched the #DemandMoreInternetChoice petition to counter the federal government's intervention aimed at limiting competition and consumer choice for home Internet services in Ontario and Quebec. The #DemandMoreInternetChoice / ExigezplusdechoixdefournisseursInternet petition has now surpassed 200,000 signatures, demonstrating overwhelming public support for preserving competition and choice in Canada. These numbers reflect a growing frustration with the lack of choice in the market and a desire for alternatives like TELUS, which delivers not only affordable Internet but also innovative bundles that integrate mobility, entertainment, energy management, home automation, security, and health services.

“The response has been incredible. Over 200,000 supporters are standing up for their right to choose who provides their Internet service,” said Zainul Mawji, Executive Vice-President of TELUS and President of TELUS Consumer Solutions. “The federal government's intervention undermines the CRTC's thoughtful and thorough decision, jeopardizing progress toward competitive pricing and enhanced consumer choice. We urge the government to respect the original ruling and let Canadians enjoy the benefits of true competition.”

The Federal Government is Protecting Certain Competitors

While TELUS, Rogers, and Bell compete nationally in the wireless space, the home Internet market operates differently. Unlike wireless services, which are offered coast-to-coast, home Internet services are provided on a regional basis. TELUS, for example, is a leading Internet provider in British Columbia and Alberta, but is operating as a new entrant outside of these provinces. The Internet market is controlled by two major providers in each market, many of which are cable companies owned by billionaire families. The federal government's intervention is meant to protect these cable companies from enhanced competition. This concentration limits consumer choice and results in higher prices and fewer options.

“The fact is that regional cable companies have healthy balance sheets and have been given privileged access to the wireless and fibre networks of other providers across the country,” said Mawji. “In spite of their claims, these companies are asking the government to intervene on their behalf to limit competition, while benefitting from wholesale frameworks.”

Regulators Want to Support Competition, Not Individual Competitors

Last year, the CRTC approved TELUS to offer PureFibre Internet services outside of British Columbia and Alberta, largely by requiring Bell to sell wholesale access to its network. This decision, reached after 17 months of expert review, was supported by the Competition Bureau and consumer advocacy groups. In fact, the Competition Bureau stated that “it is important to distinguish between impacts on competition and impacts on competitors. From a competition perspective, the Bureau strongly endorses a focus on protecting the competitive process, not specific competitors.”

Unfortunately, the federal government is now intervening and ordering theCRTC to reconsider its decision. If this intervention is successful, customers in Ontario and Quebec will lose the right to choose TELUS as their service provider, thereby limiting consumer choice and undermining the stated intent of the FTTP mandate.

Government Intervention Threatens Consumer Choice

The federal Cabinet's intervention to revisit the CRTC's decision threatens to undo the progress made in bringing more competition to Ontario and Quebec. This move creates uncertainty for consumers and sends a troubling message about Canada's commitment to competitive markets.

“This isn't just about Internet services; it's about the fundamental right of Canadians to choose what works best for them,” added Mawji. “TELUS is dedicated to delivering exceptional service, affordable pricing, and innovative solutions. The government's decision to revisit this ruling puts all of that at risk.”

Make Your Voice Heard

TELUS is calling on all Canadians to stand up for their right to choose. Visit DemandMoreInternetChoice.ca and sign the petition today. Protect your access to affordable, high-speed Internet and ensure a competitive future for Canada's Internet market.

The numbers speak for themselves: Canadians want competition. It's time for the federal government to listen.


TELUS (TSX: T, NYSE: TU) is a world-leading communications technology company, generating over $20 billion in annual revenue and connecting more than 19 million customers through our advanced suite of broadband services for consumers, businesses and the public sector. We are committed to leveraging our technology to enable remarkable human outcomes. TELUS is passionate about putting our customers and communities first, leading the way globally in client service excellence and social capitalism. Our TELUS Health business is enhancing the lives of 76 million people worldwide through innovative preventive medicine and wellbeing technologies. Our TELUS Agriculture & Consumer Goods business utilizes digital technologies and data insights to optimize the connection between producers and consumers. Guided by our enduring 'give where we live' philosophy, TELUS and our 140,000 team members have contributed $1.7 billion and volunteered 2.2 million days of service since 2000, earning us the distinction of the world's most giving company. For more information, visit telus.com or follow @TELUSNews on X and @Darren_Entwistle on Instagram.

For more information, please contact:

Richard GilhooleyTELUS Media Relationsrichard.gilhooley@telus.com

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SOURCE TELUS Communications Inc.


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