Bruno Law Offices: Criminal Defense Lawyer Empowering the Accused To Navigate Arrests and Court Appearances.

Urbana, IL – Whether charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, individuals need an experienced attorney to navigate the tricky legal waters and present a viable defense. Bruno Law Offices understands the fear, anxiety, and uncertainty that follow an arrest, from worrying about the future to losing a well-paying job and the emotional/financial toll an arrest has on a family.

The criminal defense lawyer takes on the burden of defending clients’ livelihoods and reputations by handling the paperwork, making the required court appearances, and offering support by preserving freedom or clearing a client’s name.

Bruno Law Offices has served Champaign-Urbana and Central Illinois since 1980, making it one of the region’s most seasoned criminal practices. The attorneys have defended thousands of serious cases in state and federal courts, including those covered by local, national, and international media.

In addition to following an individual for the rest of their life, a driving under the influence (DUI) charge attracts jail time and hefty fines. Thus, a criminal defense attorney is an invaluable investment when facing a DUI charge as they can negotiate plea deals/alternative sentences, examine police records objectively, dispute witness testimony, and leverage relevant statutes/ordinances for a client.

Bruno Law Offices DUI lawyer knows the system well and has access to resources at the local level to take on complex cases and respond promptly. The team focuses on the potential long-term consequences of a conviction and how to protect people from it. They intervene in drunk driving, underage drunk driving, and felony and aggravated DUI cases.

Through its four decades-long service to the Illinois community, Bruno Law Offices has defended people against criminal allegations including, traffic violations, drug crimes, theft, burglary, white-collar crimes, battery, conspiracy, home invasion, resisting a peace officer, murder/homicide cases, and crimes involving international students/visiting persons.

Recognizing that each case is unique, the team provides personalized legal services, making them a law firm and a crisis management team ready to advocate for rights, defend clients’ interests, or champion change.

This approach has earned Bruno Law Offices criminal lawyer Champaign many glowing reviews and results such as reduced sentences, dismissals, not guilty verdicts, and probation with no jail time.

“In the summer of 2023, I was in a rollover accident on the highway. I can’t recall how it happened, I walked away with multiple bodily injuries and a DUI. I’m forever grateful to Bruno Law Offices for handling my case with the utmost professionalism. My case was dismissed…” Eugenio, Satisfied Client.

About Bruno Law Offices:

Bruno Law Offices defends serious criminal and DUI cases in state and federal courts across Champaign, Urbana, and Illinois. Since its inception, the firm has been a gold standard in criminal defense, representing clients inside and outside the courtroom. At a moment’s notice, the team can mobilize resources, conduct investigations, hire subject-matter witnesses, and create tailored defense strategies.

Media Contact

Bruno Law Offices
Contact name
Anthony Bruno
Contact phone
(217) 328-6000
Contact address
301 W Green St
United States

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