/C O R R E C T I O N — Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)/

In the news release, Housing starts for September 2024, issued 16-Oct-2024 by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that in the first paragraph, the first sentence should read “1.3%” rather than “1.9%” as originally issued inadvertently. The complete, corrected release follows:

Housing starts for September 2024

The six-month trend in housing starts decreased 1.3% from 246,972 units in August to 243,759 units in September. The trend measure is a six-month moving average of the seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of total housing starts for all areas in Canada.

The total monthly SAAR of housing starts for all areas in Canada increased 5% in September (223,808 units) compared to August (213,012 units), according to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).

In Canada’s urban centres with a population of 10,000 or greater, there have been 168,897 actual housing starts year-to-date (January – September) in 2024. This compares to 165,559 for the same period in 2023, meaning actual housing starts are currently 2% higher this year.


“Growth in actual year-to-date housing starts has been driven by both higher multi-unit and single-detached units in Alberta, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. By contrast, year-to-date starts in Ontario and British Columbia have decreased across all housing types. Despite the increase in housing starts in September, we remain well below what is required to restore affordability in Canada’s urban centres.” said Kevin Hughes, CMHC’s Deputy Chief Economist.

Key Facts:

— The monthly SAAR of total urban (centres 10,000 population and over) housing starts was 6% higher (210,002 units). Multi-unit urban starts increased 6% (163,400 units), while single-detached urban starts increased 5% (46,602 units).

— The rural starts monthly SAAR estimate was 13,806 units.

— Actual year-to-date housing starts between January and September 2024 are up 15% in Montreal from the same period last year, showing some recovery from historically low new home construction in 2023.

— In Vancouver, actual starts are down 19% in 2024 compared to 2023, but it’s important to note 2023 was a record high year.

— In Toronto, actual year-to-date housing starts are down 20% from 2023, which was also a high year for housing starts by historical standards.

— Monthly Housing Starts and Other Construction Data are accessible in English and French on our website and the CMHC Housing Market Information Portal.

— Housing starts data is available on the eleventh business day each month. We will release the October housing starts data on November 18 at 8:15 AM ET.

— CMHC uses the trend measure as a complement to the monthly SAAR of housing starts to account for considerable swings in monthly estimates and to obtain a clearer picture of upcoming new housing supply. In some situations, analyzing only SAAR data can be misleading, as the multi-unit segment largely drives the market and can vary significantly from one month to the next.

— Definitions and methodology to better understand the foundations of the Starts and Completions and Market Absorption surveys.

— Housing starts facilitate the analysis of monthly, quarterly, and year-over-year activity in the new home market. The data we collect as part of our Starts and Completions and Market Absorption surveys helps us obtain a clearer picture of upcoming new housing supply and is used as part of our various housing reports.

CMHC plays a critical role as a national convenor to promote stability and sustainability in Canada’s housing finance system. Our mortgage insurance products support access to home ownership and the creation and maintenance of rental housing supply. Our research and data help inform housing policy. By facilitating cooperation between all levels of government, private and non-profit sectors, we contribute to advancing housing affordability, equity, and climate compatibility. We actively support the Government of Canada in delivering on its commitment to make housing more affordable.

Follow us on LinkedIn,YouTube, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter),and Facebook.

Related Links:

— Fall 2024 Housing Supply Report

— Higher rates hindered housing starts in 2023

— Canada’s potential capacity for housing construction

— Housing Starts for August 2024

Housing Start Data in Centres 10,000 Population and Over - Cumulative, January - September
                             Single-Detached                             All Others                                  Total
                             2023                2024                %   2023                    2024      %         2023      2024      %
Provinces (10,000+)
N.L.                         331                 458                 38  92                      232       152       423       690       63
P.E.I.                       134                 189                 41  495                     896       81        629       1,085     72
N.S.                         1,117               1,173               5   2,764                   4,199     52        3,881     5,372     38
N.B.                         664                 710                 7   2,127                   2,979     40        2,791     3,689     32
Atlantic                     2,246               2,530               13  5,478                   8,306     52        7,724     10,836    40
Que.                         3,068               3,126               2   20,743                  25,663    24        23,811    28,789    21
Ont.                         11,257              9,576               -15 55,038                  46,552    -15       66,295    56,128    -15
Man.                         1,250               1,299               4   3,551                   3,106     -13       4,801     4,405     -8
Sask.                        725                 911                 26  2,247                   2,000     -11       2,972     2,911     -2
Alta.                        8,578               11,295              32  16,326                  22,282    36        24,904    33,577    35
Prairies                     10,553              13,505              28  22,124                  27,388    24        32,677    40,893    25
B.C.                         4,336               3,349               -23 30,716                  28,902    -6        35,052    32,251    -8
Canada (10,000+)             31,460              32,086              2   134,099                 136,811   2         165,559   168,897   2
Metropolitan Areas
Abbotsford-Mission           187                 146                 -22 350                     756       116       537       902       68
Barrie                       552                 312                 -43 1,305                   446       -66       1,857     758       -59
Belleville - Quinte West     150                 163                 9   129                     123       -5        279       286       3
Brantford                    309                 168                 -46 264                     39        -85       573       207       -64
Calgary                      4,104               5,225               27  10,037                  12,189    21        14,141    17,414    23
Chilliwack                   141                 121                 -14 178                     278       56        319       399       25
Drummondville                121                 125                 3   291                     621       113       412       746       81
Edmonton                     3,465               4,992               44  5,634                   8,367     49        9,099     13,359    47
Fredericton                  208                 226                 9   619                     280       -55       827       506       -39
Greater Sudbury              76                  61                  -20 184                     58        -68       260       119       -54
Guelph                       56                  43                  -23 1,052                   342       -67       1,108     385       -65
Halifax                      419                 604                 44  2,398                   3,682     54        2,817     4,286     52
Hamilton                     222                 250                 13  1,558                   1,691     9         1,780     1,941     9
Kamloops                     78                  68                  -13 270                     196       -27       348       264       -24
Kelowna                      339                 280                 -17 1,792                   3,387     89        2,131     3,667     72
Kingston                     216                 171                 -21 763                     149       -80       979       320       -67
Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo 657                 290                 -56 1,799                   2,062     15        2,456     2,352     -4
Lethbridge                   118                 194                 64  30                      405       ##        148       599       305
London                       367                 415                 13  1,367                   2,587     89        1,734     3,002     73
Moncton                      185                 199                 8   1,130                   1,983     75        1,315     2,182     66
Montréal                767                 814                 6   10,110                  11,675    15        10,877    12,489    15
Nanaimo                      141                 114                 -19 208                     670       222       349       784       125
Oshawa                       532                 338                 -36 789                     1,134     44        1,321     1,472     11
Ottawa-Gatineau              1,351               1,325               -2  7,617                   6,919     -9        8,968     8,244     -8
Gatineau                     250                 276                 10  2,205                   2,084     -5        2,455     2,360     -4
Ottawa                       1,101               1,049               -5  5,412                   4,835     -11       6,513     5,884     -10
Peterborough                 84                  102                 21  27                      113       319       111       215       94
Québec                  447                 452                 1   3,521                   4,794     36        3,968     5,246     32
Red Deer                     53                  67                  26  93                      247       166       146       314       115
Regina                       156                 204                 31  588                     734       25        744       938       26
Saguenay                     154                 152                 -1  429                     215       -50       583       367       -37
St. Catharines-Niagara       668                 517                 -23 1,514                   781       -48       2,182     1,298     -41
Saint John                   163                 166                 2   264                     438       66        427       604       41
St. John's                   244                 388                 59  74                      196       165       318       584       84
Saskatoon                    535                 647                 21  1,396                   1,228     -12       1,931     1,875     -3
Sherbrooke                   176                 220                 25  868                     953       10        1,044     1,173     12
Thunder Bay                  76                  56                  -26 133                     130       -2        209       186       -11
Toronto                      3,539               3,389               -4  36,441                  28,559    -22       39,980    31,948    -20
Trois-Rivières          134                 160                 19  771                     1,269     65        905       1,429     58
Vancouver                    2,266               1,645               -27 22,951                  18,858    -18       25,217    20,503    -19
Victoria                     295                 216                 -27 2,858                   2,850     0         3,153     3,066     -3
Windsor                      231                 335                 45  692                     1,394     101       923       1,729     87
Winnipeg                     1,088               1,071               -2  3,228                   2,614     -19       4,316     3,685     -15
Total                        25,070              26,431              5   125,722                 125,412   0         150,792   151,843   1
Data for 2021 and 2022 based on 2016 Census Definitions and data for 2023 and 2024 based on 2021
Census Definitions.
Source: CMHC Starts and Completion Survey, Market Absorption Survey
Housing Start Data in Centres 10,000 Population and Over
                                  Single-Detached                             All Others                Total
                                  September          September          %     September September %     September September %
                                  2023               2024                     2023      2024            2023      2024
Provinces (10,000+)
N.-L.                             67                 58                 -13   26        45        73    93        103       11
P.E.I.                            8                  36                 350   10        0         -100  18        36        100
N.S.                              163                177                9     542       246       -55   705       423       -40
N.B.                              91                 107                18    434       539       24    525       646       23
Atlantic                          329                378                15    1,012     830       -18   1,341     1,208     -10
Qc                                431                402                -7    3,924     3,554     -9    4,355     3,956     -9
Ont.                              1,341              1,477              10    7,266     3,981     -45   8,607     5,458     -37
Man.                              139                170                22    230       281       22    369       451       22
Sask.                             143                147                3     114       359       215   257       506       97
Alta.                             1,184              1,441              22    2,921     2,325     -20   4,105     3,766     -8
Prairies                          1,466              1,758              20    3,265     2,965     -9    4,731     4,723     0
B.C.                              519                420                -19   2,641     3,041     15    3,160     3,461     10
Canada (10,000+)                  4,086              4,435              9     18,108    14,371    -21   22,194    18,806    -15
Metropolitan Areas
Abbotsford-Mission                24                 26                 8     12        247       ##    36        273       ##
Barrie                            40                 47                 18    123       115       -7    163       162       -1
Belleville - Quinte West          16                 38                 138   0         11        ##    16        49        206
Brantford                         6                  37                 ##    27        20        -26   33        57        73
Calgary                           554                660                19    2,180     1,430     -34   2,734     2,090     -24
Chilliwack                        27                 17                 -37   10        4         -60   37        21        -43
Drummondville                     8                  15                 88    42        67        60    50        82        64
Edmonton                          464                637                37    620       798       29    1,084     1,435     32
Fredericton                       28                 37                 32    283       26        -91   311       63        -80
Greater/Grand Sudbury             0                  18                 ##    5         21        320   5         39        ##
Guelph                            8                  7                  -13   116       44        -62   124       51        -59
Halifax                           78                 64                 -18   508       166       -67   586       230       -61
Hamilton                          36                 51                 42    167       415       149   203       466       130
Kamloops                          47                 1                  -98   78        64        -18   125       65        -48
Kelowna                           17                 34                 100   151       425       181   168       459       173
Kingston                          38                 25                 -34   44        9         -80   82        34        -59
Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo      38                 22                 -42   498       119       -76   536       141       -74
Lethbridge                        24                 22                 -8    8         0         -100  32        22        -31
London                            52                 58                 12    127       149       17    179       207       16
Moncton                           24                 29                 21    135       414       207   159       443       179
Montréal                     99                 108                9     2,583     1,003     -61   2,682     1,111     -59
Nanaimo                           11                 8                  -27   6         4         -33   17        12        -29
Oshawa                            86                 36                 -58   10        14        40    96        50        -48
Ottawa-Gatineau                   193                216                12    1,306     1,672     28    1,499     1,888     26
Gatineau                          48                 32                 -33   219       346       58    267       378       42
Ottawa                            145                184                27    1,087     1,326     22    1,232     1,510     23
Peterborough                      11                 3                  -73   0         18        ##    11        21        91
Québec                       68                 49                 -28   568       547       -4    636       596       -6
Red Deer                          13                 14                 8     10        0         -100  23        14        -39
Regina                            32                 43                 34    34        31        -9    66        74        12
Saguenay                          18                 10                 -44   15        50        233   33        60        82
St. Catharines-Niagara            73                 60                 -18   308       10        -97   381       70        -82
Saint John                        24                 26                 8     5         75        ##    29        101       248
St. John's                        42                 48                 14    20        36        80    62        84        35
Saskatoon                         105                95                 -10   20        317       ##    125       412       230
Sherbrooke                        25                 31                 24    84        242       188   109       273       150
Thunder Bay                       30                 15                 -50   30        28        -7    60        43        -28
Toronto                           406                554                36    4,469     1,179     -74   4,875     1,733     -64
Trois-Rivières               16                 43                 169   85        620       ##    101       663       ##
Vancouver                         251                209                -17   1,922     1,774     -8    2,173     1,983     -9
Victoria                          41                 29                 -29   175       331       89    216       360       67
Windsor                           35                 51                 46    11        268       ##    46        319       ##
Winnipeg                          108                139                29    159       139       -13   267       278       4
Total                             3,216              3,632              13    16,954    12,902    -24   20,170    16,534    -18
Data for 2023 and 2024 based on 2021 Census Definitions.
Source: CMHC
## not calculable / extreme value
Housing Start Data - Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates (SAAR)
                                  Single-Detached                              All Others               Total
                                  August             September          %      August  September %      August  September %
                                  2024               2024                      2024    2024             2024    2024
Provinces (10,000+)
N.L.                              561                553                -1     579     405       -30    1,140   958       -16
P.E.I.                            225                431                92     372     0         -100   597     431       -28
N.S.                              1,362              1,191              -13    1,930   2,671     38     3,292   3,862     17
N.B.                              838                939                12     7,042   6,498     -8     7,880   7,437     -6
Qc                                4,412              4,177              -5     36,693  35,909    -2     41,105  40,086    -2
Ont.                              13,439             15,448             15     43,933  45,740    4      57,372  61,188    7
Man.                              1,947              1,915              -2     4,956   3,372     -32    6,903   5,287     -23
Sask.                             1,293              1,475              14     1,896   4,308     127    3,189   5,783     81
Alta.                             15,426             16,140             5      30,481  28,242    -7     45,907  44,382    -3
B.C.                              4,700              4,333              -8     26,950  36,255    35     31,650  40,588    28
Canada (10,000+)                  44,203             46,602             5      154,832 163,400   6      199,035 210,002   6
Canada (All Areas)                51,639             54,105             5      161,373 169,707   5      213,012 223,808   5
Metropolitan Areas
Abbotsford-Mission                185                233                26     108     2,964     ##     293     3,197     ##
Barrie                            291                410                41     1,704   1,380     -19    1,995   1,790     -10
Belleville - Quinte West          235                356                51     132     132       -      367     488       33
Brantford                         129                399                209    0       240       ##     129     639       395
Calgary                           6,960              7,167              3      12,936  17,160    33     19,896  24,327    22
Chilliwack                        192                163                -15    192     48        -75    252     211       -16
Drummondville                     258                245                -5     1,008   804       -20    1,266   1,049     -17
Edmonton                          7,029              7,385              5      14,124  9,576     -32    21,153  16,961    -20
Fredericton                       264                324                23     1,596   312       -80    1,860   636       -66
Greater/Grand Sudbury             -13                103                ##     0       252       ##     -13     355       ##
Guelph                            28                 88                 214    324     528       63     352     616       75
Halifax                           974                606                -38    1,548   1,992     29     2,522   2,598     3
Hamilton                          359                417                16     1,068   4,980     366    1,427   5,397     278
Kamloops                          31                 11                 -65    12      768       ##     43      779       ##
Kelowna                           534                519                -3     168     5,100     ##     702     5,619     ##
Kingston                          385                215                -44    756     108       -86    1,141   323       -72
Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo      289                321                11     3,648   1,428     -61    3,937   1,749     -56
Lethbridge                        590                247                -58    2,616   0         -100   3,206   247       -92
London                            599                566                -6     4,944   1,788     -64    5,543   2,354     -58
Moncton                           239                260                9      4,896   4,968     1      5,135   5,228     2
Montréal                     1,255              1,171              -7     13,884  11,864    -15    15,139  13,035    -14
Nanaimo                           129                110                -15    24      48        100    153     158       3
Oshawa                            404                325                -20    2,892   168       -94    3,296   493       -85
Ottawa-Gatineau                   1,952              1,967              1      6,984   20,064    187    8,936   22,031    147
Gatineau                          523                287                -45    1,008   4,152     312    1,531   4,439     190
Ottawa                            1,429              1,680              18     5,976   15,912    166    7,405   17,592    138
Peterborough                      58                 51                 -12    660     216       -67    718     267       -63
Québec                       854                660                -23    4,284   6,564     53     5,138   7,224     41
Red Deer                          74                 103                39     0       0         -      74      103       39
Regina                            245                382                56     288     372       29     533     754       41
Saguenay                          79                 123                56     360     600       67     439     723       65
St. Catharines-Niagara            287                676                136    2,028   120       -94    2,315   796       -66
Saint John                        251                224                -11    288     900       213    539     1,124     109
St. John's                        539                491                -9     516     432       -16    1,055   923       -13
Saskatoon                         944                963                2      1,476   3,804     158    2,420   4,767     97
Sherbrooke                        327                318                -3     1,116   2,904     160    1,443   3,222     123
Thunder Bay                       54                 62                 15     0       336       ##     54      398       ##
Toronto                           5,304              6,384              20     19,428  14,148    -27    24,732  20,532    -17
Trois-Rivières               351                426                21     1,500   7,440     396    1,851   7,866     325
Vancouver                         2,054              2,175              6      18,408  21,288    16     20,462  23,463    15
Victoria                          249                285                14     5,124   3,972     -22    5,373   4,257     -21
Windsor                           508                495                -3     1,128   3,216     185    1,636   3,711     127
Winnipeg                          1,613              1,614              0      3,876   1,668     -57    5,489   3,282     -40
Data for 2023 and 2024 based on 2021 Census Definitions.
Source: CMHC
## not calculable / extreme value

SOURCE Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)


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