St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital First in Southeast United States to Implant First-of-Its-Kind Cardiac Stent for Infants

The Patel Children's Heart Institute atSt. Joseph's Children's Hospitalis the first in the southeastern United States and one of only a handful of programs in the world to implant a new stent specifically created to enlarge narrowed blood vessels in the hearts of newborns and babies. The Renata Minima stent is the first and only stent small enough to be used in newborns with the capacity to be enlarged as a child grows to adulthood, reducing the need for multiple open-heart surgeries.

“Stents are mesh tubes that help keep arteries open and blood flowing,” said Dr. Jeremy Ringewald, pediatric cardiologist and director of the cardiac catheterization laboratories at St. Joseph's Children's Hospital. “Until now, adult stents needed to be altered to fit a baby's tiny vessels and then replaced as they grow older.”

Dr. Ringewald performed the Minima stent procedure on 14-month-old Layla Lebovic, who was born with tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia and major aorto-pulmonary collaterals. Her complex congenital cardiac condition is a combination of multiple defects including a large hole between the bottom chambers of the heart, an absent connection between the right ventricle and main pulmonary artery and abnormal pulmonary artery branches.

DuringLayla's procedure, Dr. Ringewald advanced several sequential Minima stents through a vein in her leg to her right pulmonary artery. Once deployed, her pulmonary artery was enlarged to five times its size. The procedure was a success, and Layla was discharged after only one day.

“We are so grateful to Dr. Ringewald and the entire St. Joseph's Children's Hospital cardiac team for the incredible careLayla received,” said Laura Lebovic, Layla's mother. “She's thriving and growing every day, and we're so happy with the outcome of her procedure.”

The Minimastent is only 1.3 millimeters or 3/64 of an inch in diameter, about the size of a cocktail straw. Dr. Ringewald notes this first-of-its-kind stent is far easier to advance and deploy compared with other stents due to its small size, which markedly diminishes procedural risk.

“The Minimastent is a paradigm shift for treating infants with congenital heart defects. It's what we've needed for years, and now we have it,” Dr. Ringewald said. “The use of this stent is an example of how our heart institute is at the cutting edge when it comes to adopting new technology, allowing our patients to benefit from every advance in our field.”

ThePatel Children's Heart Instituteat St. Joseph's Children's Hospital is home to Tampa Bay's only comprehensive congenital heart disease program. Its team of cardiac physicians performs hundreds of procedures each year to treat heart defects in patients of every age. A partnership between St. Joseph's Children's Hospital and UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh provides families across Florida with unprecedented access to the highest level of pediatric heart care. Together, they provide highly specialized cardiovascular care for patients ranging from babies in the womb to adults with congenital heart disease.

About St. Joseph'sChildren's HospitalSt. Joseph'sChildren's Hospital isTampa Bay'slargest provider of children's health services and is committed to providing everything needed for the health and well-being of children. Together, BayCare Kids andSt. Joseph'sChildren's Hospital offer specialized inpatient and outpatient pediatric care to thousands of children and their families each year in multiple locations throughout West Central Florida. From the tiniest baby to the high school quarterback, patients are cared for by doctors who specialize in treating children, in surroundings designed exclusively for kids.For more

About BayCareBayCare is a leading not-for-profit health care system that connects individuals and families to a wide range of services at 16 hospitals and hundreds of other convenient locations throughout theTampa Bayand centralFloridaregions. The system is West Central Florida's largest provider of behavioral health and pediatric services and its provider group, BayCare Medical Group, is one of the largest in the region. BayCare's diverse network of ambulatory services includes laboratories, imaging, surgical centers, BayCare Urgent Care locations, wellness centers and one ofFlorida'slargest home care agencies, BayCare HomeCare. BayCare's mission is to improve the health of all it serves through community-owned, health care services that set the standard for high-quality, compassionate care. For more information,

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