POMPANO BEACH, Fla., Jan. 30, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curonix LLC, a leading medical technology company specializing in relieving chronic pain without the use of opioids, is proud to announce the expansion of MR labeling for its Freedom(R) Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (PNS) System to include full-body 3T MRI scans. The Freedom PNS System is the only PNS system cleared for applications throughout the entire body. Today, the Freedom PNS System is also the first and only permanent PNS system in the United States that is MR Conditional with the ability to scan throughout the body and over the implanted device at both 1.5T and 3T.* This marks another significant milestone in transforming the boundaries of chronic pain management by providing patients broader access to diagnostic imaging.
With over 40 million MRI scans performed annually in the United States1, the likelihood of needing an MRI scan increases significantly with age, rising from approximately 47% at age 30 to around 69% at age 70.2 A 3T scan offers enhanced imaging capabilities for precise diagnosis and treatment planning.3 The design of the Freedom PNS System may reduce the risk of MRI scatter, which helps prevent image distortion in scans. The ability to undergo these scans quickly and comfortably is essential for patient care, as faster imaging reduces time inside the scanner and improves the overall patient experience.4
“Our expansion of MR conditionality for the Freedom PNS System ensures that patients and healthcare providers benefit from both the assurance and convenience of advanced MR imaging,” said Aure Bruneau, CEO of Curonix LLC. “Our goal has always been redefining chronic pain management by delivering innovative, patient-centric solutions. This expanded MR labeling is another step in our commitment to enhancing quality of life for those living with chronic pain.”
To learn more about the Freedom PNS System, visit us at curonix.com.
*See full MR conditions in the Instructions for Use at curonix.com.
- Shah, A., & Aran, S. (2023). A Review of Magnetic Resonance (MR) Safety: The Essentials to Patient Safety. Cureus, 15(10), e47345. https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.47345
- Philips, data on file. Based on Millennium research group reports RPUS21LJ09; RPUS21LJ10; RPUS21LJ15; RPEU21LJ08; RPEU21LJ15; RPUS50DI14; RPUS20SP10; RPEU20SP10; RPUS21LJ10; RPEU20SP13; RPUS20SP15; US12CR07; RPGL12CR10; RPGL12CR14 and Barmer GEK Arztreport 2011.
- https://www.imagingsc.com/blog/understanding-15t-vs-30t-mri-what-you-need-to-know
- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/magnetic-resonance-imaging-mri-market-150000970.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAE5naQI_AQeZCw5cv6x0BMQiySP07iPbP_6iAuhleosoJlo2WBwv8_AZXItXTe6RofdgOCdC3Dm56rR_YhHAL6r9nziHG2EM_GwBGCRabMmXU-e6PXdVSGdCUM8FlFvesedi0d7HNwxu2hsl8rf6LprcfBbILPsStLkbuSqm3Cbz
About Curonix LLC
Curonix LLC is a Delaware medical technology company dedicated to developing and commercializing innovative therapies intended to help relieve chronic pain. The proprietary Freedom PNS System is a non-integrated, minimally-invasive implant that does not include an implanted battery. The Freedom PNS System is powered by HF-EMC (High-Frequency Electromagnetic Coupling) and is comprised of a two-component implantable neurostimulator, an externally worn transmitter, and software used to set patient-specific stimulation programs. The two-component neurostimulator, comprised of an electrode array and a separate surgically connected receiver, is anchored within two separate incisions, including the creation of a subcutaneous pocket. The stimulation program is adjusted as needed to provide pain relief for the patient. For more information, visit curonix.com.
Contact Information:
Ashley Brown
Sr. Director of Marketing & Communications, Curonix