“Fitbit of the ocean” OCN.ai and enterprise AI consultancy RTS Labs join forces to implement machine learning and decode marine data on an oceanic scale
OCN.ai and RTS Labs today announced their ongoing partnership to monitor and interpret marine data, identify nature-based assets and protect critical economies and ecosystems. This is helping nations and enterprises develop sustainable ocean-based economies and technology while providing researchers with crucial information about ocean environments.
Using artificial intelligence (AI) and the latest science from peer-reviewed publications, OCN.ai monitors billions of data points, visualizing and translating it into a cohesive picture of ocean health and the financial value of these ocean assets. These interactive data sets enable users to understand the true value and economic potential of preserving natural resources, encouraging the creation of marine sanctuaries and unique industries within them.
“Our philosophy is to put nature on the balance sheet,” says Jeremy McKane, CEO of OCN.ai. “We want to understand what the ocean does for us and the benefits we reap from the ecosystems we rely on. Using AI and these data points, we can see patterns on a macro scale. We can also determine the best places for new marine projects, ranging from artificial reefs to offshore wind developments to carbon sequestration.”
“At RTS Labs, we've worked with a variety of enterprises on implementing AI and developing transformative applications of these technologies. OCN.ai sees the big picture and has embraced technology to realize their vision,” says Jyot Singh, CEO of RTS Labs. “We leapt at the chance to work on a project with such profound implications for the future of the ocean. What Jeremy and the team are doing will have a ripple effect, transforming the way we approach the ocean and our coastlines, not to mention economic development in coastal communities.”
By gathering data and presenting trends, OCN.ai enables users to build models to assess climate risk and identify economic opportunities that lead to sustainable growth. The company is working with countries to turn their marine protected areas from liabilities into assets, showing how they can become profit centers and, in turn, facilitating the creation of more marine protected sanctuaries.
To accomplish this, OCN.ai has worked closely with RTS Labs to develop effective strategies and solutions to pain points, as well as to hone BlueSense, OCN.ai's data analysis tool. RTS Labs experts have helped design a number of programs, shaping the deployment of AI, developing sophisticated data analysis and promoting growth.
“Our vision is to create a data-rich, transparent, and connected ocean that aids global marine conservation and drives a transformative blue economy,” says McKane. “RTS Labs helps us pull the signal from the noise, in this case an immense amount of data from NASA satellites, ocean buoys and other sources. They're part of the team, and they can scale up or down with our needs. With RTS Labs, you don't need to hire a mercenary because you get a whole army.”
About OCN.ai:OCN is on a mission to unite the world's ocean data sets, create accessible products to incentivize data collection and promote a regenerative blue economy.
They are designing products, systems and communities to collect the necessary data to interpret overall ocean health, helping us better understand the threats to our ocean and create real, trackable solutions. Their flagship product, BlueSense, empowers stakeholders to analyze and interpret marine data for actionable insights.
For more information, visit ocn.ai.
About RTS Labs:
RTS Labs delivers innovative AI solutions that drive transformative growth and operational excellence across industries. With a team of seasoned AI and data experts, RTS Labs helps businesses harness AI to gain sustainable competitive advantages. Learn more at rtslabs.com.
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