With a ruling expected soon on its federal lawsuit to stop the NPS from removing and killing cats who live on a famous trail in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Alley Cat Allies is holding a worldwide protest to call for an end to the NPS's lethal plan.
People around the world are urged to post on social media with #SaveSanJuanCats, raise awareness, and tell the NPS loud and clear: Do not kill the cats of Puerto Rico.
Alley Cat Allies, the leader of the global movement to protect cats and kittens, is kicking off the protest on January 25 with an on-the-ground demonstration in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
“Our worldwide protest is an urgent rallying call to stop the NPS's cruel and deadly plan for San Juan's cats. Now is the time to raise our collective voice louder than ever,” said Charlene Pedrolie, president and chief operating officer of Alley Cat Allies. “We urge everyone who cares about the lives of these cats to join us and speak out.”
Alley Cat Allies filed its federal lawsuit in March of 2024 to challenge and ultimately end the NPS's plan to eradicate cats living outdoors on the Paseo del Morro, a popular trail and tourist destination that is part of the San Juan National Historic Site. Now, Alley Cat Allies is mobilizing compassionate people in Puerto Rico and around the world to speak out in support of the cats' right to live and against the NPS's deadly action.
Anyone who wants to join the worldwide protest to protect Puerto Rico's cats can learn how to take action on alleycat.org.
Alley Cat Allies urges all who value the lives of these cats to be part of its critical fight against cruelty and injustice. Together, we can protect the community cats of the Paseo del Morro and champion evidence-based and nonlethal policies for cats, including Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), that allow them to live and thrive in their outdoor homes.
About Alley Cat Allies
Alley Cat Allies believes every cat deserves to live out his or her life to the fullest.
Founded in 1990, Alley Cat Allies is the leading advocacy organization for cats with a mission to transform and develop communities to protect and improve the lives of all cats and kittens. Together with our over 1.4 million supporters, we work toward a world where cats are valued and every community has humane and effective programs and policies to defend them.
Through our fearless advocacy, humane care, education and outreach, and law and policy activism, we equip and mobilize citizens, advocates, grassroots groups, shelters, veterinary professionals, and elected officials across the United States and around the world to improve their communities for cats through nonlethal, evidence-based approaches.
Our website iswww.alleycat.organd we are active onFacebook,X,Instagram,LinkedInandYouTube. CharlenePedrolieisthePresident and Chief Operating Officer of Alley Cat Allies.
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SOURCE Alley Cat Allies