Largest Investment in the Training Stream's History Will Support Five Innovative Training Programs Across Ontario
The Carpenters' Regional Council (CRC) is proud to announce it is receiving an unprecedented $14 million from Ontario's Skills Development Fund (SDF) Training Stream to train nearly 1,500 workers. This investment will support the creation of the CRC Workforce Development Program, an initiative to expand the reach and capacity of three existing training programs funded through SDF, as well as establish two new programs.
Among these programs is the Work Employment Readiness for Carpentry (WERC) initiative, which will provide pre-apprenticeship training to over 750 individuals entering the skilled trades and include job placements for successful participants. Further, the CRC's targeted Red Seal preparation course will assist students to challenge the Red Seal exam. To date, this program has been immensely successful in helping apprentices who struggle with exam preparation and has drastically increased the pass rate of apprentices writing their Red Seal.
The Enhanced Construction Program (ECP), in partnership with local school boards, offers high school students the opportunity to step out of their regular classrooms and spend a semester at CRC training centres. Students receive academic credits, co-op credits, seven health and safety certifications and, if successful, secure a job placement upon completion. With increased SDF investment, this program will expand from Windsor to include Hamilton, Ottawa, and London-area school boards, providing a strong foundation for 160 future tradespeople.
The funding will also support new upskilling training for 150 healthcare and 125 industrial workers represented by the CRC. This training, focused on safety, ergonomics and equipment handling, will increase the employability of members and decrease occurrences of workplace injuries.
“This historic investment will expand on our existing programs to build on their success, further developing a productive and highly skilled workforce to meet the province's infrastructure and housing needs,” said Jason Rowe, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Carpenters' Regional Council. “Further, new specialized programs for healthcare and industrial workers will extend our commitment to training beyond construction into other high-demand sectors of Ontario's economy.”
In addition to the $14 million provided under the Training Stream, the CRC is receiving up to $13 million from the SDF Capital Stream to upgrade five Union Training Centres across the province which will train an additional 1,175 carpenters. Locals included in this initiative are Windsor Local 494, Cambridge Local 785, London Local 1946, Sudbury Local 2486, and Ottawa Locals 93 and 2041.
“By investing in carpenter training, we are helping to train the next generation of workers – including women and young people – to build Ontario's bright future,” said David Piccini, Minister of Labour, Immigration Training and Skills Development. “Workers can benefit from the wisdom of experienced tradespeople, gain the necessary skills for lifelong careers in the construction trades and unlock their full potential.”
SOURCE Carpenters' Regional Council