Monday Is International Holocaust Day of Remembrance: Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island Honors Holocaust Survivors with Times Square Billboard and Exclusive Song by Hasidic Artist, Shulem

More than 10,000 Holocaust Survivors Still Living in New York

Monday, January 27, is the International Holocaust Day of Remembrance, commemorating the 80thanniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz and remembrance of the more than six million victims and survivors of the Holocaust.

As a tribute to the more than 10,000 Holocaust Survivors – ages ranging from early 80s to 106 years-old – living in New York,The Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI)is honoring Holocaust Survivors with a powerful billboard in Times Square. The billboard will run through March 15 and will feature a different Holocaust Survivor each week highlighting their legacy and sharing how people can offer support through JCCGCI's Holocaust Survivor Support Services.

“We believe that every survivor has a story that deserves to be recognized and honored for their resilience and sharing their stories in one of the world's most visited locations ensures that people everywhere understand that survivors are still among us and their voices must be heard,” said Rabbi Moshe Wiener, executive director of JCCGCI. “We all share a responsibility to carry forward the staggering horror and the impact for posterity of the Holocaust.”

TheJCCGCI's Holocaust Survivor Support Servicesis one of the largest survivor support programs in the world, providing compassionate, holistic care and critical assistance to more than 4,000 Holocaust Survivors annually, ensuring their dignity, comfort and legacy are honored. Services include homecare, transportation, case management, Medicaid appeals, socialization and visits, and home delivered meals.

“I am a Holocaust Survivor and want everyone to know that we are still here. The Holocaust is something that never should be forgotten. The world is so beautiful there should not be hate or prejudice,” said 82-year-old Holocaust Survivor Judith Frydman. “Since working with JCCGCI my life has changed, I used to be lonely and now I have friendships and socialization.”

In addition, groundbreaking singerShulem Lemmer(known as Shulem), the rising star of the Jewish musical tradition and the first born and raised Hasidic Jew to be signed to a major record deal with Universal Music Group, will be releasing an original song on Monday, January 27, called “Stand by You.” A portion of the profits from downloads will be donated to the Holocaust Survivor Support Services.To download the song, go to To make a donation to support Holocaust Survivors, visit

About the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI)The Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring stability and support for all New Yorkers, regardless of race, religion, or borough. Founded in 1973, JCCGCI operates on five key pillars of service: community support services, educational services, career services, senior support services (including one of the world's largest Holocaust Survivor services divisions), and the Nonprofit Help Desk, which offers capacity-building resources to other organizations. With these programs, JCCGCI provides holistic support to individuals and families, from youth to seniors, and is proud to serve as a lifeline for some of the most vulnerable populations across New York City.

Contact: Maureen

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SOURCE Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island

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