InventHelp Inventors Develop Product to Self-Seal a Tire Puncture (LJD-428)

“We thought there should be a way to spare motorists the hassle and expense of changing flat tires,” said one of two inventors, from Ridge,N.Y., “so we invented A FLAT RESISTANT TIRE. Our design would provide peace of mind for safety-conscience motorists.”

The patent-pending invention provides an improved way to seal a punctured tire while traveling. In doing so, it eliminates the need to stop and change a flat tire. As a result, it increases safety and convenience. It also helps prevent delays. The invention features an automatic design that is easy to use so it is ideal for vehicle owners. Additionally, a prototype is available.

The original design was submitted to the Long Island sales office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, write Dept. 23-LJD-428, InventHelp, 100 Beecham Drive, Suite 110, Pittsburgh, PA 15205-9801, or call (412) 288-1300 ext. 1368. Learn more about InventHelp's Invention Submission Services at

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