Infrasense Conducts Infrared Thermography (IR) and High-Resolution Video (HRV) Bridge Deck Surveys in Whiteside County, Illinois

Infrasense, Inc. recently evaluated 17 bridge decks and associated approach and departure slabs along a section of a major highway in Whiteside County, Illinois. Leveraging cutting-edge infrared thermography (IR) and high-resolution video (HRV) technology, the project provided deck condition maps and quantities.

Infrasense has completed an advanced evaluation of 17 bridge decks and associated approach and departure slabs in Whiteside County, Illinois. Using a specially equipped survey vehicle, infrared thermography (IR) and high-resolution video (HRV) data were collected at normal driving speeds, ensuring no disruption to traffic. The technology identified and mapped subsurface delamination, spalling, and patching across all evaluated structures. The analysis results will be used for future maintenance and rehabilitation planning efforts.

The IR/HRV survey was carried out using a 640 x 512-pixel FLIR Systems Model infrared camera and a 4k resolution visual camera, both mounted to an elevated platform on top of the survey vehicle and operated remotely from within the vehicle. These cameras can capture a full lane width of data per driving pass and have a frame rate of 60 frames per second. A high precision distance measurement encoder (DMI) attached to the vehicle wheel collected distance data synchronously with the IR and HRV survey systems, to facilitate accurate location of defects. All data was collected at normal driving speeds, with no traffic control required.

Processing the infrared data differentiated areas of delamination from typical surface features (discoloration, oil stains, sand and rust deposits, etc.) that could appear in the infrared data but were unrelated to subsurface conditions. The delaminated, spalled, and patched areas identified in the IR and HRV imagery for each bridge deck, and associated approach slabs were delineated and quantified. Resulting maps provided detailed visualizations of affected areas, enabling targeted maintenance planning. Infrared scanning of bridge decks for mapping delaminations offers numerous advantages over traditional chain-drag, including being more objective with supporting data; significantly more efficient/productive; and safer with no disruptions to the traveling public.

About Infrasense, Inc.Since 1987, Infrasense, Inc. has applied advanced technologies to address the most difficult challenges in subsurface scanning. Infrasense's engineers nondestructively extract critical information from a diverse range of structures. In addition to providing ongoing subsurface evaluation services to clients across the country, the firm has also conducted numerous research programs to advance the field of subsurface detection and nondestructive evaluation. To learn more about Infrasense and the services we provide, visit our website:

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SOURCE Infrasense, Inc.

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