Q2i’s PARCA Technology Moves to Phase II of National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Trial to Further Evaluate Its Efficacy in Increasing Community Supervision Success

The Probation and Reentry Coach Application (PARCA), developed by Q2i, has successfully completed an NIH Phase I trial and is now transitioning into Phase II. Designed to support individuals navigating probation and parole, PARCA leverages recently patented technology to streamline resources, provide coaching, and improve outcomes for justice-involved individuals. PARCA aims to reduce drug use, overdose, rearrests, and reincarceration.


Phase I, led by Dr. Faye S. Taxman of George Mason University, achieved significant milestones, including the successful development and pilot implementation of the application. The platform offers tailored support, goal setting, coaching strategies, and access to critical services. It helps individuals overcome the challenges of managing numerous demands to be drug-and crime-free. It also demonstrated that officers and supervisees could effectively use the app to share information and foster stronger communication.

“Phase I showcased the potential of technology in probation services,” said Arnold Patrick, Director of Dallas County Community Supervision and Corrections. “For the first time, officers can reward progress in real time, fostering trust and strengthening relationships, which enhances success. Phase II presents an exciting opportunity to integrate tools that further motivate individuals and foster a culture of accountability. These innovations represent a significant step forward in community supervision practices, making outcomes visible and actionable.”

“PARCA facilitates communication between individuals and their support systems while promoting accountability,” said Dr. Faye Taxman. “In Phase II, we will enhance the platform by integrating contingency management technology, which will incentivize progress using structured rewards. This will increase motivation and encourage individuals to stay engaged with their supervision goals.”

“Phase II will focus on scaling the program to additional jurisdictions and refining the user experience,” Dr. Taxman continued. “We'll also enhance data integration capabilities to ensure the platform is accessible, sustainable, and has a long-term impact on the individuals it serves.”

“The ultimate goal of PARCA is to improve outcomes for individuals under probation and parole supervision, reduce unhealthy behaviors and overdose risks, reduce recidivism, and strengthen community support systems,” Dr. Taxman added. “By expanding the application and integrating contingency management tools, Phase II will foster accountability, making the support more efficient, accessible, and results-driven for individuals under supervision.”

“Phase I demonstrated the significant potential of leveraging technology to transform probation and parole services,” said Steve Jenkins, CEO of Q2i. “The platform empowers both officers and supervisees by enabling goal setting, offering structured support, and fostering engagement with community-based services such as healthcare, mental health, housing, and employment-essential for successful reentry. Phase II includes technology that enables agencies to incorporate elements of contingency management to enhance engagement, boost motivation, and incentivize the achievement of reentry goals.”

For more information, visit Q2i.com.

About Q2iQ2i is a privately held digital health company specializing in the development, refinement, validation, and commercialization of evidence-based, innovative solutions. Q2i's PARCA technology is leading the way in transforming how community supervision is managed, supported, and optimized for success.


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