Purchasers of Quantstamp QSP Tokens May Be Eligible for Payment from the Quantstamp Fair Fund

The following statement is being issued bySimpluris, Inc., the SEC-appointed Fund Administrator.



In the Matter ofQuantstamp, Inc. Administrative Proceeding File No. 3-21535

This Notice is Pursuant to a Distribution Plan approved by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in the captioned matter.

If you purchased or acquiredQuantstamp QSP tokens from October 1, 2017, through July 20, 2023, inclusive, you may be eligible for a distribution from the Fair Fund created in the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) administrative proceeding captioned above (the “Fair Fund”).

The Fair Fund is being distributed pursuant to a Distribution Plan (the “Plan”) approved by the SEC. The Plan provides for the distribution of the Fair Fund to compensate investors based on their losses, due to the misconduct ofQuantstamp, Inc. described in the SEC's administrative proceeding, on the purchase of QSP tokens from October 1, 2017 through July 20, 2023. You can view and download a copy of the SEC's order and the Plan on the Important Documents tab on the website for this matter: www.QuantstampFairFund.com/documents.

To be considered for eligibility for a Distribution Payment from the Fair Fund, you must timely submit a completed Claim Form online or via mail. Claim Forms completed online must be submitted on or before 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (“EST”) on April 10, 2025. Claim Forms submitted via mail must be sent to the address provided on the Claim Form and postmarked (or if not sent by U.S. Mail, received) by April 10, 2025.

You may complete the Claim Form online here: www.QuantstampFairFund.com/form/claim. Alternatively, you may download a paper copy from of the Claim Form on the Important Documents pagewww.QuantstampFairFund.com/documents, or request a copy of the paper Claim Form from the Fund Administrator via email atinfo@QuantstampFairFund.comor by calling 833-215-6101, for submission by mail to the address set forth on the Claim Form.


Additional information regarding the Fair Fund, including copies of the Plan, the Plan Notice, the Claim Form, and other relevant documents may be found at www.QuantstampFairFund.com. You may request copies or seek additional information by contacting the Fund Administrator.

Email: info@QuantstampFairFund.comCall: 833-215-6101Write: Quantstamp Fair Fund Fund Administrator P.O. Box 25381 Santa Ana, CA 92799


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SOURCE Simpluris Inc.
