FundsfromNIHwilladvance ALX1asapotentialtreatment in Cystic Fibrosis and other chronic lung diseases
Vast Therapeutics, a clinical-stage life science company, today announced that it has been awarded a nearly two million dollar grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).1Thetwo-yearproject aimstoadvance ALX1asabreakthroughtreatmentforpatients worldwide who suffer life altering consequences from chronic lung infections caused by the deadly bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
“This award recognizes the commercialization potential of this technology, the strength of our management team, and the potential impact to patients,” stated Nathan Stasko, Chief Executive Officer of Vast Therapeutics. “Current solutions don't completely solve the problem and lead to progressive loss of lung function over time. We believe that eradicating Pseudomonas has the potential to save lives.”
AboutPseudomonasaeruginosa(“Pseudomonas”)Attributableto>500,000deaths peryeararound theworld,thisgram-negative,rod-shapedbacterium typically infects people in the hospital or with weakened immune systems and is particularly problematic for patients with chronic lung diseases.This organism is difficult to eradicate because ofitsevolutionaryresistancetoantibioticsandthebiofilm shielditproduces tofurtherinsulate itfrom drugs and host immune cells.Multi-drug-resistant strains are considered a 'serious' threat by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).It is now well understood that, when bronchiectasis patients are colonized with Pseudomonas, it leads to higher rates of hospitalization and mortality. Cough, excessive sputum, and difficulty breathing become part of everyday life.
About Vast TherapeuticsVast is a life science company focused on breaking the debilitating cycle of chronic infection and inflammationinrespiratorydiseases. Thiscycleaffects patientsacrosstheentirespectrum ofhuman life, ranging from children with rare orphan diseases like cystic fibrosis (CF) to the highly prevalent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
— Project Title: NebulizedALX1asatreatmentforPseudomonasaeruginosainfectionsin bronchiectasis patientsAmount: $1,988,594 (2-year award)This support is provided by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of theNational InstitutesofHealth (NIH)underAwardNumberR44AI184225.This announcement is solely the responsibility of the company and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
Contact:NathanStaskoChief Executive Officer Vast Therapeutics,
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SOURCE Vast Therapeutics, Inc.