First International Bank of Israel Reports Financial Results for the Third Quarter of 2024

Reflects continued growth and high profitability while maintaining financial stability

First International Bank of Israel (TASE: FIBI) one of Israel’s major banking groups, today announced its results for the third quarter and nine-month period ended September 30, 2024.

Financial Highlights

Financial Highlights for the Third Quarter of 2024

— Net income of NIS 620 million and a return on equity of 19.4% in the third quarter of 2024;

— Net income of NIS 1,798 million and a return on equity of 19.4% for the first nine months of the year;

— Credit to the public grew by 6% compared to the end of 2023 and by 3.5% compared to the second quarter of the year;

— Deposits by the public grew by 11.4% compared to the end of 2023, and by 4.3% compared to the second quarter of the year;

— The portfolio of customers’ assets grew by 19% compared to the end of 2023, and reached NIS 800 billion;

— Equity attributed to the Bank’s shareholders was NIS 13 billion, an increase of 8.2% compared to the end of 2023;

— The tier 1 capital ratio was 11.41%;

— The Bank’s Board of Directors decided to distribute a dividend in the amount of NIS 248 million, representing 40% of the net income.

Financial Results of the Third Quarter 2024

Net profitfor theFirst International Bank Group wasNIS 620 million in the third quarter of 2024, an increase of 36.3 % compared to the comparative quarter in the previous year. Returnon equity was 19.4%.

The net profitfor the first nine months of the year wasNIS 1,798 million, an increase of 7.5% compared to the comparative period in the previous year. The return on equity was19.4%.

Expense for credit losseswasNIS 22 million in the third quarter, amounting to0.07% of the average balance of credit to the public. Income forcredit lossesamounted to NIS 51 million in the first nine months of the year, primarily from debt recovery. In the corresponding period of last year, expensesof NIS 336 million were recorded which was due to an increase in collective provisions because of concerns over macroeconomicimpacts, amid uncertainty.

High-quality credit portfolio:the NPL (non-performing loan) ratio remained stable and reached 0.57% at the end of the third quarter. This reflectsthe quality of the credit portfolio, (the balance of debtsnot accruingor overdue by90 days or more out of the totalcredit to the public). The totalcoverage ratio (the ratio of the totalcredit loss provisionsto the total credit to the public) stood at 1.41%, compared to 1.37% in the comparative period lastyear.

The operating and other expenses were NIS 2,240 million in the first nine months of the year, an increase of 2% compared to the comparative period in the previous year, mainly due toan increase in other expenses: IT-related, donations, telecommunicationsand advertising. The efficiency ratio stood at 44.5%.

Credit to the public amounted to NIS 126.4 billion, an increase of 6% compared to the end of 2023. There was an increase in the creditof 3.5% in the third quarter, compared to the second quarter of the year.

Deposits by the public amounted to NIS 213 billion, an increase of 11.4% compared to the end of 2023,and 4.3% compared to the second quarter.

The totalcustomers’ assets portfolioincreased by 26% year-over-year and by 19% compared to the end of 2023, to approximately 800 billion.

Equity attributed to shareholders in the Bankincreased toNIS 13 billion, an increase of 8.2% compared to the end of 2023. The tier 1 capitalratio reached 11.41%, approximately -2.2% above the regulatory requirement, reflectingthe highest capital surplus in the Israeli banking system. The liquidity coverageratio is high and stands at 171%.

Considering the requestsof the Banking Supervisor regarding capitalplanning and profits distribution policies,the Bank’s Board of Directors decided to approve the distribution of a cash dividend to the shareholders for NIS 248 million representing40% of the net income.The Bank’s Board of Directors will continue to review the implementation of the Bank’s dividend distribution policy in light of ongoing developments and their impact on the Israeli economy and on the Bank.

Management Comment

Eli Cohen, CEO of First International Bank, commented: ,”The Bank’s reports reflect a growth trend both on the passive side, including deposits and securities of the public, which reached a record NIS 800 billion, and also on the active side,with a considerable increase in the credit portfolio, which has been achieved while maintaining the qualityof the underwriting and portfoliodiversification.

“Amid economicuncertainty and the ongoingmulti-front warin Israel, the First International Bank maintained high capital and liquiditycushions, ensuring resilience and ourability to continue supportingour customers. The Bank is continuing to provide benefits and relief measuresfor customers to helpthem navigatethe current challenging period.

“I am proud to say that the First International Bank’s customers are the most satisfied among bankcustomers in Israel, reporting highsatisfaction with the Bank, the professionalism of its servicesand their willingnessto recommend the bankto their friends. This is evidenced viacustomer surveys, including therecentMarketest survey.This reflectsthe high quality service and competitiveness of the First International Bank, as well asthe professionalism and the dedication of ourGroup’s employees, all of whomhave contributed to the achievement.

“We recentlyannounced a number of managementchanges at the Bank: Vered Golan wasappointed to the position of Head of the CorporateDivision, Dr. Moriah Hoftman-Doron wasappointed to the position of Chief Legal Counsel,and Liora Shechter was appointed CEO of Mataf. I wish considerable success to the new members of ourmanagementteam.”

Principal financial ratios                                                                        For the nine months               For the year ended
                                                                                                  ended September 30,               December 31,
                                                                                                  2024                  2023        2023
                                                                                                                                    in %
Principal execution indices
Return on equity attributed to shareholders of the Bank(1)                             19.4       20.5       19.7
Return on average assets(1)                                                            1.05       1.10       1.06
Ratio of equity capital tier 1                                                         11.41      10.84      11.35
Leverage ratio                                                                         5.17       5.30       5.26
Liquidity coverage ratio                                                               171        142        156
Net stable funding ratio                                                               142        138        146
Ratio of total income to average assets(1)                                             2.9        3.3        3.2
Ratio of interest income, net to average assets (1)                                    2.1        2.5        2.4
Ratio of fees to average assets (1)                                                    0.7        0.7        0.7
Efficiency ratio                                                                       44.5       43.6       43.5
Credit quality indices
Ratio of provision for credit losses to credit to the public                           1.29       1.25       1.36
Ratio of total provision for credit losses (2)to credit to the public                  1.41       1.37       1.50
Ratio of non-accruing debts or in arrears of 90 days or more to credit to the public   0.57       0.49       0.60
Ratio of provision for credit losses to total non-accruing credit to the public        230.5      263.8      234.5
Ratio of net write-offs to average total credit to the public (1)                      (0.06)     -          0.03
Ratio of expenses (income) for credit losses to average total credit to the public (1) (0.06)     0.38       0.42
Principal data from the statement of income                                                                             For the nine months
                                                                                                                        ended September 30,
                                                                                                                        2024        2023
                                                                                                                                    NIS million
Net profit attributed to shareholders of the Bank                                                                       1,798       1,673
Interest Income, net                                                                                         3,601      3,820
Expenses (income) from credit losses                                                                         (51)       336
Total non-Interest income                                                                                    1,436      1,216
Of which:  Fees                                                                                              1,123      1,131
Total operating and other expenses                                                                           2,240      2,197
Of which:  Salaries and related expenses                                                                     1,302      1,353
Primary net profit per share of NIS 0.05 par value (NIS)                                                     17.92      16.67
Principal data from the balance sheet                                                             30.9.24               30.9.23     31.12.23
                                                                                                                                    NIS million
Total assets                                                                                      242,512               210,673     221,593
of which: Cash and deposits with banks                                                 81,440     61,659     68,866
Securities                                                                             28,860     22,043     26,985
Credit to the public, net                                                              124,749    118,577    117,622
Total liabilities                                                                      228,823    198,542    208,947
of which: Deposits from the public                                                     212,907    181,274    191,125
Deposits from banks                                                                    2,631      3,824      4,314
Bonds and subordinated capitalnotes                                                    4,474      4,751      4,767
Capital attributed to the shareholders of the Bank                                     13,066     11,583     12,071
Additional data                                                                                   30.9.24               30.9.23     31.12.23
Share price (0.01 NIS)                                                                            15,410                16,360      14,990
Dividend per share (0.01 NIS)                                                                     739                   706         795
(1) Annualized.
(2) Including provision in respect of off-balance sheet credit instruments.
(NIS million)
                                                                         For the three months                 For the nine months       For the year Ended
                                                                         ended September 30                   ended September 30        December 31
                                                                         2024               2023              2024         2023         2023
                                                                         (unaudited)        (unaudited)       (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (audited)
Interest Income                                                          2,955              2,590             8,410        7,289        9,850
Interest Expenses                                                  1,690 1,363       4,809  3,469       4,884
Interest Income, net                                               1,265 1,227       3,601  3,820       4,966
Expenses (income) from credit losses                               22    165         (51)   336         502
Net Interest Income after expenses from credit losses              1,243 1,062       3,652  3,484       4,464
Non- Interest Income
Non-Interest Financing income                                      153   (1)         300    78          142
Fees                                                               396   375         1,123  1,131       1,502
Other income                                                       3     -           13     7           8
Total non- Interest income                                         552   374         1,436  1,216       1,652
Operating and other expenses
Salaries and related expenses                                      430   438         1,302  1,353       1,746
Maintenance and depreciation of premises andequipment              91    89          264    256         341
Amortizations and impairment of intangible assets                  36    31          99     91          122
Other expenses                                                     220   175         575    497         668
Total operating and other expenses                                 777   733         2,240  2,197       2,877
Profit before taxes                                                1,018 703         2,848  2,503       3,239
Provision for taxes on profit                                      390   247         1,033  869         1,090
Profit after taxes                                                 628   456         1,815  1,634       2,149
The bank's share in profit of equity-basis investee, after taxes   22    21          62     105         113
Net profit:
Before attribution to non‑controlling interests              650   477         1,877  1,739       2,262
Attributed to non‑controlling interests                      (30)  (22)        (79)   (66)        (90)
Attributed to shareholders of the Bank                             620   455         1,798  1,673       2,172
Primary profit per share attributed to the shareholdersof the Bank
Net profit per share of NIS 0.05 par value                               6.18               4.53              17.92        16.67        21.65
(NIS million)
                                                                                                                        For the three months                                                            For the nine months                       For the year Ended
                                                                                                                        ended September 30                                                              ended September 30                        December 31
                                                                                                                        2024                                    2023                                    2024                 2023                 2023
                                                                                                                        (unaudited)                             (unaudited)                             (unaudited)          (unaudited)          (audited)
Net profit before attribution to non‑controlling interests                                                        650                                     477                                     1,877                1,739                2,262
Net profit attributed to non‑controlling interests                                            (30)                (22)                (79)                (66)                (90)
Net profit attributed to the shareholders of the Bank                                               620                 455                 1,798               1,673               2,172
Other comprehensive income (loss) before taxes:
Adjustments of available for sale bonds to fair value, net                                          129                 52                  (115)               78                  213
Adjustments of liabilities in respect of employee benefits(1)                                       (2)                 34                  10                  37                  25
Other comprehensive income (loss) before taxes                                                      127                 86                  (105)               115                 238
Related tax effect                                                                                  (49)                (29)                41                  (40)                (81)
Other comprehensive income (loss) before attribution to non‑controlling interests, aftertaxes 78                  57                  (64)                75                  157
Less other comprehensive income (loss) attributed to non‑controlling interests                3                   1                   (2)                 6                   9
Other comprehensive income (loss) attributed to the shareholders of the Bank, aftertaxes            75                  56                  (62)                69                  148
Comprehensive income before attribution to non‑controlling interests                          728                 534                 1,813               1,814               2,419
Comprehensive income attributed to non‑controlling interests                                  (33)                (23)                (77)                (72)                (99)
Comprehensive income attributed to the shareholders of the Bank                                     695                 511                 1,736               1,742               2,320
(1) Mostly reflects adjustments in respect of actuarial assessments as of the end of the period regarding defined benefits pension plans and deduction of amounts recorded in the past in other comprehensive income.
(NIS million)
                                                                                      September 30,                                                                                 December 31,
                                                                                      2024                                                          2023                            2023
                                                                                      (unaudited)                                                   (unaudited)                     (audited)
Cash and deposits with banks                           81,440                         61,659                         68,866
Securities                                             28,860                         22,043                         26,985
Securities borrowed                                    147                            155                            57
Credit to the public                                   126,374                        120,073                        119,240
Provision for Credit losses                            (1,625)                        (1,496)                        (1,618)
Credit to the public, net                              124,749                        118,577                        117,622
Credit to the government                               1,611                          1,015                          1,055
Investment in investee company                         854                            776                            786
Buildings and equipment                                852                            871                            877
Intangible assets                                      350                            305                            328
Assets in respect of derivative instruments            2,308                          3,940                          3,651
Other assets(2)                                        1,341                          1,332                          1,366
Total assets                                           242,512                        210,673                        221,593
Liabilities and Capital
Deposits from the public                               212,907                        181,274                        191,125
Deposits from banks                                    2,631                          3,824                          4,314
Deposits from the Government                           689                            665                            750
Securities lent or sold under agreements to repurchase 1,542                          -                              -
Bonds and subordinated capitalnotes                    4,474                          4,751                          4,767
Liabilities in respect of derivative instruments       2,086                          3,496                          3,784
Other liabilities(1)(3)                                4,494                          4,532                          4,207
Total liabilities                                      228,823                        198,542                        208,947
Shareholders' equity                                   13,066                         11,583                         12,071
Non-controlling interests                              623                            548                            575
Total capital                                          13,689                         12,131                         12,646
Total liabilities and capital                          242,512                        210,673                        221,593
(1) Of which: provision for credit losses in respect of off-balance sheet credit instruments in the amount of NIS 160 million and NIS 150 million and NIS 165 million at 30.9.24, 30.9.23 and 31.12.23, respectively.
(2) Of which: other assets measured at fair value in the amount of NIS 16 million and NIS 13 million and NIS 10 million at 30.9.24, 30.9.23 and 31.12.23, respectively.
(3) Of which: other liabilities measured at fair value in the amount of NIS 48 million and NIS 26 million and NIS 11 million at 30.9.24, 30.9.23 and 31.12.23, respectively.
(NIS million)
                                                                                                                             For the three months ended September 30, 2024 (unaudited)
                                                                                                                             Share                   Accumulated               Retained      Total           Non-         Total
                                                                                                                             capital and             other                     earnings (2)  share-holders'  controlling  capital
                                                                                                                             premium (1)             comprehensive                           equity          interests
                                                                                                                                                     income (loss)
Balance as of June 30, 2024                                                                                                  927                     (292)                     11,980        12,615          590          13,205
Net profit for the period                                                                                                    -                       -                         620           620             30           650
Dividend                                                                                                                     -                       -                         (244)         (244)           -            (244)
Other comprehensive income, after tax effect                                                                                 -                       75                        -             75              3            78
Balance as at September 30, 2024                                                                                             927                     (217)                     12,356        13,066          623          13,689
                                                                                                                             For the three months ended September 30, 2023 (unaudited)
                                                                                                                             Share                   Accumulated               Retained      Total           Non-         Total
                                                                                                                             capital and             other                     earnings (2)  share-holders'  controlling  capital
                                                                                                                             premium (1)             comprehensive                           equity          interests
                                                                                                                                                     income (loss)
Balance as of June 30, 2023                                                                                                  927                     (290)                     10,655        11,292          525          11,817
Net profit for the period                                                                                                    -                       -                         455           455             22           477
Dividend                                                                                                                     -                       -                         (220)         (220)           -            (220)
Other comprehensive income, after tax effect                                                                                 -                       56                        -             56              1            57
Balance as at September 30, 2023                                                                                             927                     (234)                     10,890        11,583          548          12,131
                                                                                                                             For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 (unaudited)
                                                                                                                             Share                   Accumulated               Retained      Total           Non-         Total
                                                                                                                             capital and             other                     earnings (2)  share-holders'  controlling  capital
                                                                                                                             premium (1)             comprehensive                           equity          interests
Balance as at December 31, 2023 (audited)                                                                                    927                     (155)                     11,299        12,071          575          12,646
Net profit for the period                                                                                                    -                       -                         1,798         1,798           79           1,877
Dividend                                                                                                                     -                       -                         (741)         (741)           (29)         (770)
Other comprehensive loss, after tax effect                                                                                   -                       (62)                      -             (62)            (2)          (64)
Balance as at September 30, 2024                                                                                             927                     (217)                     12,356        13,066          623          13,689
                                                                                                                             For the nine months ended September 30, 2023 (unaudited)
                                                                                                                             Share                   Accumulated               Retained      Total           Non-         Total
                                                                                                                             capital and             other                     earnings (2)  share-holders'  controlling  capital
                                                                                                                             premium (1)             comprehensive                           equity          interests
                                                                                                                                                     income (loss)
Balance as at December 31, 2022 (audited)                                                                        927         (303)       9,935       10,559        476         11,035
Adjustment of the opening balance, net of tax, due to the effect of initial implementation in investee company*  -           -           (10)        (10)          -           (10)
Adjusted balance at January 1, 2023, following initial implementation                                            927         (303)       9,925       10,549        476         11,025
Net profit for the period                                                                                        -           -           1,673       1,673         66          1,739
Dividend                                                                                                         -           -           (708)       (708)         -           (708)
Other comprehensive income, after tax effect                                                                     -           69          -           69            6           75
Balance as at September 30, 2023                                                                                 927         (234)       10,890      11,583        548         12,131
(NIS million)
                                                                                                                             For the year ended December 31, 2023 (audited)
                                                                                                                             Share                   Accumulated               Retained      Total           Non-         Total
                                                                                                                             capital and             other                     earnings(2)                   controlling  capital
                                                                                                                             premium(1)              comprehensive                                           interests
                                                                                                                                                     income (loss)
Balance as at December 31, 2022                                                                                  927         (303)       9,935       10,559        476         11,035
Adjustment of the opening balance, net of tax, due to the effect of initial implementation in investee company * -           -           (10)        (10)          -           (10)
Adjusted balance at January 1, 2023, following initial implementation                                            927         (303)       9,925       10,549        476         11,025
Net profit for the year                                                                                          -           -           2,172       2,172         90          2,262
Dividend                                                                                                         -           -           (798)       (798)         -           (798)
Other comprehensive income, after tax effect                                                                     -           148         -           148           9           157
Balance as at December 31, 2023                                                                                  927         (155)       11,299      12,071        575         12,646
* Cumulative effect of the initial implementation of US accounting principles in the matter of financial instruments - credit losses (ASC-326).
(1) Including share premium of NIS 313 million (as from 1992 onwards).
(2) Including an amount of NIS 2,391 million which cannot be distributed as dividend.

Contact:Dafna ZuckerFirst International Bank

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