RBC Global Asset Management Inc. announces estimated annual reinvested capital gains distributions for RBC ETFs and ETF Series of RBC Funds

RBC Global Asset Management Inc. (“RBC GAM Inc.”) today announced estimated 2024 annual reinvested capital gains distribution amounts for unitholders of RBC ETFs and ETF Series of RBC Funds.

Please note that these are estimated amounts only, as of October 31, 2024. The estimates could change if the RBC ETFs or ETF Series of RBC Funds, as applicable, experience subscriptions, redemptions or engage in portfolio transactions prior to the ex-dividend date or due to other unforeseen factors.

The annual capital gains distributions for the RBC ETFs and ETF Series of RBC Funds generally represent net realized capital gains within the RBC ETFs or ETF Series of RBC Funds, as applicable, and are typically not paid in cash, but are reinvested in additional units of the respective RBC ETF or ETF Series of an RBC Fund. The additional units will be immediately consolidated with the previously outstanding units such that the number of outstanding units following the distribution will equal the number of units outstanding prior to the distribution. The reinvested capital gains distributions will increase the unitholder’s adjusted cost base for the respective RBC ETF or ETF Series of an RBC Fund.

RBC GAM Inc. expects to announce the final annual reinvested distribution amounts and final December monthly cash distributions for RBC ETFs and ETF Series of RBC Funds on or about December 30, 2024. Unitholders of record as of December 30, 2024 will receive the 2024 annual reinvested distribution amounts.

The actual taxable amounts of reinvested and cash distributions for 2024, including the tax characteristics of the distributions, will be reported to brokers (through CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc. or “CDS”) in early 2025.

The estimated 2024 annual reinvested capital gains distribution amounts per unit for the RBC ETFs are as follows:

FUND NAME                                                    FUND TICKER ESTIMATED ANNUAL REINVESTED ESTIMATED
                                                                         CAPITAL                     ANNUAL
                                                                         GAINPER                     REINVESTED
                                                                         UNIT                        CAPITAL
                                                                                                     GAINPER UNIT
                                                                                                     AS % OF NAV
                                                                                                     AT OCT. 31,
RBC 1-5 Year Laddered Canadian Bond ETF                      RLB         $0.000                      0.00%
RBC 1-5 Year Laddered Canadian Corporate Bond ETF            RBO         $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Target 2025 Canadian Government Bond ETF                 RGQN        $0.009                      0.00%
RBC Target 2026 Canadian Government Bond ETF                 RGQO        $0.063                      0.22%
RBC Target 2027 Canadian Government Bond ETF                 RGQP        $0.005                      0.00%
RBC Target 2028 Canadian Government Bond ETF                 RGQQ        $0.009                      0.00%
RBC Target 2029 Canadian Government Bond ETF                 RGQR        $0.023                      0.00%
RBC Target 2030 Canadian Government Bond ETF                 RGQS        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Target 2025 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF            RQN         $0.025                      0.00%
RBC Target 2026 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF            RQO         $0.011                      0.00%
RBC Target 2027 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF            RQP         $0.018                      0.00%
RBC Target 2028 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF            RQQ         $0.052                      0.11%
RBC Target 2029 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF            RQR         $0.055                      0.13%
RBC Target 2030 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF            RQS         $0.010                      0.01%
RBC Target 2025 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF                      RUQN        $0.003                      0.00%
RBC Target 2025 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (USD Units)*         RUQN.U      $0.002                      0.00%
RBC Target 2026 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF                      RUQO        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Target 2026 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (USD Units)*         RUQO.U      $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Target 2027 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF                      RUQP        $0.005                      0.01%
RBC Target 2027 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (USD Units)*         RUQP.U      $0.004                      0.01%
RBC Target 2028 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF                      RUQQ        $0.008                      0.00%
RBC Target 2028 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (USD Units)*         RUQQ.U      $0.006                      0.00%
RBC Target 2029 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF                      RUQR        $0.017                      0.00%
RBC Target 2029 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (USD Units)*         RUQR.U      $0.012                      0.00%
RBC Target 2030 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF                      RUQS        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Target 2030 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (USD Units)*         RUQS.U      $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Canadian Discount Bond ETF                               RCDB        $0.199                      0.92%
RBC PH&N Short Term Canadian Bond ETF                        RPSB        $0.036                      0.00%
RBC U.S. Discount Bond ETF                                   RUDB        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC U.S. Discount Bond ETF (USD Units)*                      RUDB.U      $0.000                      0.00%
RBC U.S. Discount Bond (CAD Hedged) ETF                      RDBH        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Short Term U.S. Corporate Bond ETF                       RUSB        $0.046                      0.00%
RBC Short Term U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (USD Units)*          RUSB.U      $0.033                      0.00%
RBC Canadian Preferred Share ETF                             RPF         $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Quant Canadian Dividend Leaders ETF                      RCD         $1.994                      6.67%
RBC Canadian Dividend Covered Call ETF                       RCDC        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Canadian Bank Yield Index ETF                            RBNK        $0.171                      0.53%
RBC Quant U.S. Dividend Leaders ETF                          RUD         $2.673                      10.99%
RBC Quant U.S. Dividend Leaders ETF (USD Units)*             RUD.U       $1.920                      10.99%
RBC Quant U.S. Dividend Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF             RUDH        $2.440                      9.84%
RBC U.S. Dividend Covered Call ETF                           RUDC        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC U.S. Dividend Covered Call ETF (USD Units)*              RUDC.U      $0.000                      0.00%
RBC U.S. Banks Yield Index ETF                               RUBY        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC U.S. Banks Yield Index ETF (USD Units)*                  RUBY.U      $0.000                      0.00%
RBC U.S. Banks Yield (CAD Hedged) Index ETF                  RUBH        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Quant European Dividend Leaders ETF                      RPD         $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Quant European Dividend Leaders ETF (USD Units)*         RPD.U       $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Quant European Dividend Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF         RPDH        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Quant EAFE Dividend Leaders ETF                          RID         $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Quant EAFE Dividend Leaders ETF (USD Units)*             RID.U       $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Quant EAFE Dividend Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF             RIDH        $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Quant Emerging Markets Dividend Leaders ETF              RXD         $0.000                      0.00%
RBC Quant Emerging Markets Dividend Leaders ETF (USD Units)* RXD.U       $0.000                      0.00%
 * Estimated annual reinvested capital gain distribution per unit ($) amounts are USD forRUQN.U, RUQO.U, RUQP.U, RUQQ.U, RUQR.U, RUQS.U, RUDB.U, RUSB.U, RUD.U, RUDC.U, RUBY.U, RPD.U, RID.U, and RXD.U

The estimated 2024 annual reinvested capital gains distribution amounts per unit for ETF Series of RBC Funds are as follows:

FUND NAME                                         FUND TICKER ESTIMATED  ESTIMATED
                                                              ANNUAL     ANNUAL
                                                              REINVESTED REINVESTED
                                                              CAPITAL    CAPITAL
                                                              GAINPER    GAINPER UNIT
                                                              UNIT       AS % OF NAV
                                                                         AT OCT. 31,
RBC Conservative Bond Pool - ETF Series           RCNS        $0.000     0.00%
RBC Core Bond Pool - ETF Series                   RCOR        $0.000     0.00%
RBC Core Plus Bond Pool - ETF Series              RPLS        $0.000     0.00%
RBC Canadian Equity Income Fund - ETF Series      RCEI        $0.056     0.25%
RBC North American Value Fund - ETF Series        RNAV        $1.065     4.15%
RBC North American Growth Fund - ETF Series       RNAG        $0.000     0.00%
RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Growth Equity Fund - ETF Series  RUMG        $0.972     4.55%
RBC Life Science and Technology Fund - ETF Series RLST        $0.000     0.00%
RBC International Equity Fund - ETF Series        RINT        $0.000     0.00%
RBC Emerging Markets Dividend Fund - ETF Series   REMD        $0.070     0.30%
RBC Global Energy Fund - ETF Series               RENG        $0.000     0.00%
RBC Global Precious Metals Fund - ETF Series      RGPM        $0.000     0.00%
RBC Global Technology Fund - ETF Series           RTEC        $0.000     0.00%

For further information regarding RBC ETFs and ETF Series of RBC Funds, please visit www.rbcgam.com/etfsolutions.

Forward-looking information:

This notice contains forward-looking statements with respect to the annual reinvested capital gains distributions for the RBC ETFs and ETF Series of RBC Funds. By their nature, these forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual distributions to differ materially from the estimated distributions set forth in this notice. Factors that could cause the actual distributions to differ from the estimated distributions include, but are not limited to: the actual amounts of distributions received by the RBC ETFs and ETF Series of RBC Funds; the actual amounts of capital gains generated from sales of securities; trading activity within the RBC ETFs and ETF Series of RBC Funds, including buying and selling of securities; andsubscription and redemptionactivity.

Distribution estimates do not denote the yield a client may receive. All values are expressed in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise indicated. Totals may not sum due to rounding. The year-end distribution estimates are provided by RBC GAM Inc. and are for information purposes only. They do not reflect final attributions for tax purposes. For more information, please speak with your investment advisor.

Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”). Please read the applicable prospectus or ETF Facts document before investing. Mutual funds and ETFs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. ETF units are bought and sold at market price on a stock exchange and ETF Series is a class of securities offered by a mutual fund that are bought and sold at market price on a stock exchange. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns. RBC ETFs do not seek to return any predetermined amount at maturity. Index returns do not represent RBC ETF returns. RBC ETFs and RBC Funds are managed by RBC GAM Inc., a member of the RBC GAM group of companies and an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada.

RBC Target 2025 Canadian Government Bond ETF, RBC Target 2026 Canadian Government Bond ETF, RBC Target 2027 Canadian Government Bond ETF, RBC Target 2028 Canadian Government Bond ETF, RBC Target 2029 Canadian Government Bond ETF and RBC Target 2030 Canadian Government Bond ETF (collectively, the “Canadian TMGB ETFs”), RBC Target 2025 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF, RBC Target 2026 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF, RBC Target 2027 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF, RBC Target 2028 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF, RBC Target 2029 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF and RBC Target 2030 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF (collectively, the “Canadian TMCB ETFs”), and RBC Target 2025 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF, RBC Target 2026 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF, RBC Target 2027 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF, RBC Target 2028 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF, RBC Target 2029 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF and RBC Target 2030 U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (collectively, the “U.S. TMCB ETFs”), do not seek to deliver a predetermined amount at maturity, and the amount an investor receives may be more or less than their original investment.

The Canadian TMCB ETFs have been developed solely by RBC GAM Inc., and are not in any way connected to or sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by the London Stock Exchange Group plc and its group undertakings (collectively, the “LSE Group”). All rights in the FTSE Canada 2025 Maturity Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada 2026 Maturity Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada 2027 Maturity Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada 2028 Maturity Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada 2029 Maturity Corporate Bond Index and FTSE Canada 2030 Maturity Corporate Bond Index (collectively, the “FTSE Maturity Corporate Bond Indices”) vest in the relevant LSE Group company which owns the FTSE Maturity Corporate Bond Indices. “FTSE®” is a trade mark of the relevant LSE Group company and is used by any other LSE Group company under license.

The FTSE Maturity Corporate Bond Indices are calculated by or on behalf of FTSE Global Debt Capital Markets Inc. or its affiliate, agent or partner. The LSE Group does not accept any liability whatsoever to any person arising out of (a) the use of, reliance on or any error in the FTSE Maturity Corporate Bond Indices or (b) investment in or operation of the Canadian TMCB ETFs. The LSE Group makes no claim, prediction, warranty or representation either as to the results to be obtained from the Canadian TMCB ETFs or the suitability of the FTSE Maturity Corporate Bond Indices for the purpose to which they are being put by RBC GAM Inc.

RBC Canadian Bank Yield Index ETF, RBC U.S. Banks Yield Index ETF, and RBC U.S. Banks Yield (CAD Hedged) Index ETF have been developed solely by RBC GAM Inc. and are not sponsored, promoted, sold or supported by Solactive AG (“Solactive”). The Solactive Canada Bank Yield Index, Solactive U.S. Bank Yield NTR Index and Solactive U.S. Bank Yield NTR (CAD Hedged) Index are calculated and published by Solactive. Solactive does not offer any express or implicit guarantee or assurance regarding the results to be obtained from the use of the index or index price nor does Solactive make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the ETFs.


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About RBC Global Asset Management

RBC Global Asset Management(RBC GAM) is the asset management division of Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). RBC GAM is a provider of global investment management services and solutions to institutional, high-net-worth and individual investors through separate accounts, pooled funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, exchange-traded funds and specialty investment strategies. RBC Funds, BlueBay Funds, PH&N Funds and RBC ETFs are offered by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. (RBC GAM Inc.) and distributed through authorized dealers in Canada. The RBC GAM group of companies, which includes RBC GAM Inc. (including PH&N Institutional) and RBC Indigo Asset Management Inc., manage approximately $660 billion in assets and have approximately 1,600 employees located across Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia.

For more information, please contact:Brandon Dorey, RBC GAM Corporate Communications, 647-262-6307

SOURCE RBC Global Asset Management Inc.


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