HBI-3000AimstoFillCritical GapsinAtrialFibrillationCare;KeyDatatobe PresentedattheAmerican Heart Association Annual Meeting
HUYABIOInternationaltodayannouncedthepresentationofnew patient data for HBI-3000, an antiarrhythmic drug (AAD) with a uniqueprotective profile for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF), one of the most common and serious heart conditions worldwide.
Thispromisingdrugwillbehighlightedinamoderatedposterpresentationinthesession entitled”The Return of Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy: A New Age with New Therapeutics” at the American Heart Association (AHA) Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, from November 16-18, 2024.
Dr.Mireille Gillings, President,CEO & Executive ChairatHUYABIO, said,”Intravenous (IV) HBI-3000and oursecond-generationoralform,HBI-3020,representthefirsttruecontrol ofAFinmorethanadecade. Theopportunityforacutetochronic careprotectionhasbeenmissing fromtreatments.HUYABIO'sgoal is to provide clinicians with a safe, effective solution that puts total control of AFat the forefront.”
Atrial fibrillation affects millions globally, with incidencerates expected to rise as populations age. The CDC estimates that12.1millionpeople in the U.S. alonewillhave AF by 2030.While many currentAADs are effective in controllingarrhythmias, they alsomayposeserious risks includingfatalarrhythmiasand sudden death. The active component of HBI-3000 and HBI-3020, sulcardine, has been developed to overcome these limitations by offering protection against the attendant risk of life-threatening arrhythmias, a significant and dangerous side effect of existing treatments. The AHA presentation highlightsthemechanism ofsulcardine'sprotectiveeffectandsuccessfuldemonstrationofthisactivityin patients with active acute AF, marking a critical advancement in addressing the growing burden of this condition.
Dr. Jay Mason, Professor of Medicine Cardiology, University of Utah, said, “Availability of direct-current cardioversion has slowed development of new pharmacological interventions for recent-onset AF. HBI-3000 may mitigate that trend because of its safety and efficacy, as many patients want to avoid electrical cardioversion.”
Addressing the Unmet Need for Innovative AF Therapies
AF haslongbeen linked to ahigherrisk of stroke,andrecentstudiesshowthatitalso plays asignificant roleincontributingtoheartfailure. Withthelastrhythmcontrol drugforAFapprovedoveradecade ago and few candidates in late-stage development, patients and clinicians have been left with limited treatmentoptions.TheactivemoleculeofIV HBI-3000andoralHBI-3020,sulcardine,isanovelnewAAD that exhibits robust protection against QT prolongation, a key causeof fatal arrhythmias. This unique
capabilitygivesitgreatpotential tochangethetreatmentparadigm forrhythmcontrol, addressingthe high unmet need for safer and more effective AF therapies.
Dr.DenisRoy,leadinvestigatorontheHBI-3000 Phase2trial andabstractauthor, said,”HBI-3000has demonstratedapromisingprotectiveprofile, with thepotentialto reduce theriskoflife-threatening arrhythmias in AF patients, a concern that has long limited theuseof AADs.”
Theposterpresentation,titled”HBI-3000:PharmacologicalConversionofAtrialFibrillationWithUnique DefenseAgainstExcessive QTIntervalProlongation”,willbeheldonNovember 17,2024,from11:10AM to 12:35 PM during the session “TheReturn of Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy:A New Age with New Therapeutics.” Thepresentation, led by Dr. Jay Mason, willfocus on sulcardine's ability to mitigate prolonged QT intervals, a key risk factor associated with many AADs.
HUYABIO is the leader in accelerating the globaldevelopment of novel biopharmaceutical product opportunitiesoriginatinginChinaenablingfaster, morecost-effectiveandlower-riskdrugdevelopment in globalmarkets. Throughextensive collaboration withbiopharmaceutical, academicand commercial organizations,ithasbuilt thelargestChina-sourced compoundportfolio coveringalltherapeuticareas. With offices in the US, Japan, South Korea, Canada, and eight strategic locations across China, the company has becomea partner of choice to accelerate product development and maximize value globally.
For more information, visitwww.huyabio.com.
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View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/huyabio-validates-protective-mechanism-for-antiarrhythmic-drug-hbi-3000-in-af-patients-paving-the-way-for-a-new-era-in-atrial-fibrillation-treatment-302305051.html
SOURCE HUYABIO International